Expert în Management de personal

Performia România
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Performia România

Motto text.

Despre brandul Performia

Serve the Business community around the world

Performia is an International company that deals exclusively in hiring. It was founded by Mårten Runow in 2001 and has since then opened in more than 20 offices around the world with more countries getting ready to start as we speak.
Mr Marten Runow has worked in the field of hiring for over 20 years, specialising in the use of testing for this purpose. At Performia we use Performance Checking and Personality analysis as the main evaluation questionnaires, but also many other tests such as Leadership index, IQ and Aptitude, etc., in order to find the best candidates to help our clients hire only productive people, ones who will be assets to their business. Our methods and technology for evaluation of personality are based on the works of L.Ron Hubbard.

Despre Performia România 

O firmă pentru Personalul Companiei Tale

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi et leo condimentum, mollis velit interdum, congue quam. Etiam molestie egestas quam. Vivamus maximus.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consectetur adipiscing
  • Morbi et leo condimentum

Suntem Experți În

We Can Do It All. Get Our Services.

Recrutare și selecție de personal


Seminarii și Traininguri

Team building



Performia România


Zsolt Szathmary


Proin eget tortor risus. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula

Despre Noi

Performia te ajută să găsești colegii potriviți pentru firma ta. În același timp, te ajutăm să construiești o echipă fantastică cu personalul pe care îl ai deja. Avem teste performante și programe de îmbunătățire a performanței echipei.


Tel: +40 722 667 783


Despre Performia




Szathmáry Zsolt

Performia România

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